Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blessing the Bread

6:30 am Barely made it in time for toast and tea at the table this morning. Thankfully the reading from Brother V.-A.’s book was short but sweet. May is the month of Mary, the mother of God. I’ve always felt connected with Mary. I like the idea of giving her a whole month.

9:00 am Had an apple for a snack.

12:25 pm I eagerly I had black bean soup and crackers. I ate in silence. I was grateful for the food.

6:15 pm Started making bread

7:15 pm I had black bean soup for supper. I do believe that the flavors have melded even more since yesterday. I added a dollop of sour cream. I love sour cream. I also had toast, and had milk to drink. I was thinking while I was eating, that a monk has very little in the way of material possessions, whatever he/she does have becomes even more of a treasure; including food. The food they eat must be such a welcome thing, not just to satisfy hunger, but to participate in creation. I look around at all the things I have, and then at my bowl of soup, and realize that the soup is really where I become involved, where life is really happening. Food is a treasure and I am lucky to have it.

10:30 pm The bread is done! Mmmmm it smells like fresh baked bread in here. In Blessings of the Table by Brother Victor-Antoine there is a prayer for blessing the bread. The end of it says: "May it be for our sanctification and the nourishment of our bodies and souls." Amen to that!

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