Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Feast Night

8:00 am Today is school day. I don’t have to get up as early as I do for work so my breakfast of toast and tea was peaceful and enjoyable this morning!

12:40 pm Of course after that nice breakfast things got hectic. I had a meeting in Kirkland (45 minute drive), and I had to get my contribution to tonight’s meal ready for tonight. In my haste, I forgot to pack my lunch so I got eggs, cheese and potatoes on a pita and green tea at Seattle U. While I was eating someone texted me on my phone and I was tempted to text while eating but I controlled impulse, sang grace to myself, and ate calmly and quietly. I really had to work on focusing on my food but eventually, lunch calmed me down and I was able to feel less hectic.

6:00 pm Tonight was a feast night! I met with my lady’s group tonight, and it’s Cinco de Mayo; the day to commemorate Mexico’s victory over the French in 1862, and to celebrate Mexican culture. We had a Mexican inspired potluck meal. I ate beloved tortilla chips and guacamole, black bean soup from Brother V.-A.’s soup book, homemade brownies and special fried tortillas with cinnamon and sugar. One of my Latina classmates brought them to share with our class. Her mother made them. To me, they looked like huge communion wafers, and they tasted crunchy and sweet. She gave us the rest to share in the evening. Oh, and how could I forget, margaritas. It was nice to have a cocktail again. I wondered whether I would just eat my soup and nothing else, and what would Brother V.-A. do? I think he would have gratefully eaten a moderate amount and had a brownie with joy. Is that just justification for me to eat the most delicious brownie ever? Perhaps, but it wasn’t difficult for me to really be thankful while I was chewing that chocolate devotion. There really in nothing like eating around a table with a community of trusted loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. eating homemade food with friends is THE would agree. : )
