Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tacos for Three

8:30 am
Saturday! Tea, scrambled eggs, green peppers, onions, toast.

1:30 pm
Cheese, apple, toast.

6:30 pm
I babysat my friends Ben (3 years old) and Will (6) tonight. Tacos were on the menu. We made them together! I asked Will to say grace, he always does a great job. He stood up and announced that he was going to be the prayer leader. He said the classic Catholic grace: "Bless us oh Lord for these thy gifts which we are about to recieve." Then he said another grace which I wasn't familiar with, then he said the Hail Mary. He thought there was a fourth prayer but he couldn't remember it. I can't think of a better way to end my first week of eating like a monk! Thanks guys!

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