Friday, May 14, 2010

Our Lady of the Rock

I now interrupt my regularly scheduled blogcast to bring you news of my trip to Our Lady of the Rock monastery.

6:30 am
Bread, cheese, tea at the table.

1:15 pm
Matt came to see me for my lunch! I had a Vietnamese sandwich and it was soooo good!!

7:00 pm
Bread, cheese, in the car. There was no time to stop.

Today was a crazy day. Here’s the abbreviated version: I worked 7:15 am to 6:00 pm, I rushed to get batteries for my camera, and gas. I drove to the ferry, barely making the last ferry. I got to Our Lady of the Rock at 10:15 pm. Whew! As I was riding the ferry the sun was going down and I was looking out at the islands scattered around I thought of St. Brendan an Irish monk who sailed around in the Irish sea with a group of monks stopping at islands and listening to God. Like St. Brendan I didn't really know where I was going, and I did not know what to expect when I got there. The sunset was beautiful and the air wasn't too chilly. When I got to the monastery I was quickly shown where I could sleep by Sam the intern. I fell asleep in an instant.

1 comment:

  1. Kate:
    Just back from our Grad Liturgy and Meal tonight. I was asked if I had visited your blog and I had to admit that I had not yet checked it here I everything...nice...I loved the film Into Great Silence...watched several is like a retreat! Look forward to following you...checking out for now but will be back!
